Source code for emmaa.analyze_tests_results

import logging
import jsonpickle
from collections import defaultdict
from emmaa.model import load_stmts_from_s3
from emmaa.statements import filter_emmaa_stmts_by_metadata, \
from emmaa.model_tests import load_model_manager_from_s3
from emmaa.util import find_latest_s3_file, find_nth_latest_s3_file, \
    strip_out_date, EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME, load_json_from_s3, save_json_to_s3, \
from indra.statements.statements import Statement
from indra.assemblers.english.assembler import EnglishAssembler
from indra.literature import pubmed_client, crossref_client, pmc_client
from indra_db import get_db
from indra_db.client.principal.curation import get_curations
from indra_db.util import unpack

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'statements': 'get_stmt_hashes',
    'applied_tests': 'get_applied_test_hashes',
    'passed_tests': 'get_passed_test_hashes',
    'paths': 'get_passed_test_hashes',
    'raw_papers': 'get_all_raw_paper_ids',
    'assembled_papers': 'get_all_assembled_paper_ids'}

[docs]class Round(object): """Parent class for classes analyzing one round of something (model or tests). Parameters ---------- date_str : str Time when ModelManager responsible for this round was created. Attributes ---------- function_mapping : dict A dictionary of strings mapping a type of content to a tuple of functions necessary to find delta for this type of content. First function in a tuple gets a list of all hashes for a given content type, while the second returns an English description of a given content type for a single hash. """ def __init__(self, date_str): self.date_str = date_str self.function_mapping = CONTENT_TYPE_FUNCTION_MAPPING @classmethod def load_from_s3_key(cls, key): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.") def get_english_statement(self, stmt): ea = EnglishAssembler([stmt]) sentence = ea.make_model() return ('', sentence, '')
[docs] def find_delta_hashes(self, other_round, content_type, **kwargs): """Return a dictionary of changed hashes of a given content type. This method makes use of self.function_mapping dictionary. Parameters ---------- other_round : emmaa.analyze_tests_results.TestRound A different instance of a TestRound content_type : str A type of the content to find delta. Accepted values: - statements - applied_tests - passed_tests - paths **kwargs : dict For some of content types, additional arguments must be provided sych as mc_type. Returns ------- hashes : dict A dictionary containing lists of added and removed hashes of a given content type between two test rounds. """'Finding a hashes delta for {content_type}.') latest_hashes = getattr( self, self.function_mapping[content_type])(**kwargs)'Found {len(latest_hashes)} hashes in current round.') previous_hashes = getattr( other_round, other_round.function_mapping[content_type])(**kwargs)'Found {len(previous_hashes)} hashes in other round.') # Find hashes unique for each of the rounds - this is delta added_hashes = list(set(latest_hashes) - set(previous_hashes)) removed_hashes = list(set(previous_hashes) - set(latest_hashes)) hashes = {'added': added_hashes, 'removed': removed_hashes} return hashes
[docs]class ModelRound(Round): """Analyzes the results of one model update round. Parameters ---------- statements : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements used to assemble a model. date_str : str Time when ModelManager responsible for this round was created. paper_ids : list(str) A list of paper IDs used to get raw statements for this round. paper_id_type : str Type of paper ID used. Attributes ---------- stmts_by_papers : dict A dictionary mapping the paper IDs to sets of hashes of assembled statements with evidences retrieved from these papers. """ def __init__(self, statements, date_str, paper_ids=None, paper_id_type='TRID', emmaa_statements=None): super().__init__(date_str) self.statements = statements self.paper_ids = paper_ids if paper_ids else [] self.paper_id_type = paper_id_type self.emmaa_statements = emmaa_statements if emmaa_statements else [] self.stmts_by_papers = self.get_assembled_stmts_by_paper(paper_id_type) @classmethod def load_from_s3_key(cls, key, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME, load_estmts=False): mm = load_model_manager_from_s3(key=key, bucket=bucket) if not mm: return statements = mm.model.assembled_stmts date_str = mm.date_str try: paper_ids = list(mm.model.paper_ids) except AttributeError: paper_ids = None paper_id_type = mm.model.reading_config.get('main_id_type', 'TRID') estmts = None if load_estmts: estmts, _ = load_stmts_from_s3(, bucket) if mm.model.reading_config.get('filter'): conditions = mm.model.reading_config['filter']['conditions'] evid_policy = mm.model.reading_config['filter']['evid_policy'] statements = filter_indra_stmts_by_metadata( statements, conditions, evid_policy) if estmts: estmts = filter_emmaa_stmts_by_metadata(estmts, conditions) return cls(statements, date_str, paper_ids, paper_id_type, estmts)
[docs] def get_total_statements(self): """Return a total number of statements in a model.""" total = len(self.statements)'An assembled model has {total} statements.') return total
[docs] def get_stmt_hashes(self): """Return a list of hashes for all statements in a model.""" return [str(stmt.get_hash(refresh=True)) for stmt in self.statements]
[docs] def get_statement_types(self): """Return a sorted list of tuples containing a statement type and a number of times a statement of this type occured in a model. """ statement_types = defaultdict(int)'Finding a distribution of statements types.') for stmt in self.statements: statement_types[type(stmt).__name__] += 1 return sorted(statement_types.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
[docs] def get_agent_distribution(self): """Return a sorted list of tuples containing an agent name and a number of times this agent occured in statements of a model."""'Finding agent distribution among model statements.') agent_count = defaultdict(int) for stmt in self.statements: for agent in stmt.agent_list(): if agent is not None: agent_count[] += 1 return sorted(agent_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
[docs] def get_statements_by_evidence(self): """Return a sorted list of tuples containing a statement hash and a number of times this statement occured in a model.""" stmts_evidence = {} for stmt in self.statements: stmts_evidence[str(stmt.get_hash(refresh=True))] = len(stmt.evidence)'Sorting statements by evidence count.') return sorted(stmts_evidence.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
[docs] def get_english_statements_by_hash(self): """Return a dictionary mapping a statement and its English description.""" stmts_by_hash = {} for stmt in self.statements: stmts_by_hash[str(stmt.get_hash(refresh=True))] = ( self.get_english_statement(stmt)) return stmts_by_hash
def get_sources_distribution(self):'Finding distribution of sources of statement evidences.') sources_count = defaultdict(int) for stmt in self.statements: for evid in stmt.evidence: if evid.source_api: sources_count[evid.source_api] += 1 return sorted(sources_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
[docs] def get_all_raw_paper_ids(self): """Return all paper IDs used in this round.""" return self.paper_ids
[docs] def get_number_raw_papers(self): """Return a total number of papers in this round.""" return len(self.paper_ids)
[docs] def get_assembled_stmts_by_paper(self, id_type='TRID'): """Get a mapping of paper IDs (TRID or PII) to assembled statements."""'Mapping papers to statements') stmts_by_papers = {} for stmt in self.statements: stmt_hash = stmt.get_hash() for evid in stmt.evidence: paper_id = None if id_type == 'pii': paper_id = evid.annotations.get('pii') if evid.text_refs: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(id_type) if not paper_id: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(id_type.lower()) if paper_id: if paper_id in stmts_by_papers: stmts_by_papers[paper_id].add(stmt_hash) else: stmts_by_papers[paper_id] = {stmt_hash} for k, v in stmts_by_papers.items(): stmts_by_papers[k] = list(v) return stmts_by_papers
def get_all_assembled_paper_ids(self): return list(self.stmts_by_papers.keys()) def get_number_assembled_papers(self): return len(self.stmts_by_papers)
[docs] def get_papers_distribution(self): """Return a sorted list of tuples containing a paper ID and a number of unique statements extracted from that paper."""'Finding paper distribution') paper_stmt_count = {paper_id: len(stmts) for (paper_id, stmts) in self.stmts_by_papers.items()} return sorted(paper_stmt_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
def get_raw_paper_counts(self):'Finding raw statement count per paper') if not self.emmaa_statements:'Did not load raw EMMAA statements') return {} raw_by_papers = defaultdict(int) for estmt in self.emmaa_statements: for evid in estmt.stmt.evidence: paper_id = None id_type = self.paper_id_type if id_type == 'pii': paper_id = evid.annotations.get('pii') if evid.text_refs: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(id_type) if not paper_id: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(id_type.lower()) if paper_id: raw_by_papers[paper_id] += 1 return raw_by_papers def get_curation_stats(self): if not self.emmaa_statements:'Did not load raw EMMAA statements') return curations = get_curations() curators_ev = defaultdict(set) curators_stmt = defaultdict(set) curators_ev_counts = {} curators_stmt_counts = {} curs_by_tags = defaultdict(int) curs_by_hash = defaultdict(list) cur_ev_dates = defaultdict(set) cur_stmt_dates = defaultdict(set) cur_ev_date_sum = [] cur_stmt_date_sum = [] for cur in curations: curs_by_hash[cur['source_hash']].append(cur) df = '%Y-%m-%d-00-00-00' for estmt in self.emmaa_statements: for ev in estmt.stmt.evidence: source_hash = ev.get_source_hash() curs_for_hash = curs_by_hash.get(source_hash) if curs_for_hash: for cur in curs_for_hash: curators_ev[cur['curator']].add(cur['source_hash']) curators_stmt[cur['curator']].add(cur['pa_hash']) curs_by_tags[cur['tag']] += 1 cur_ev_dates[cur['date'].strftime(df)].add( cur['source_hash']) cur_stmt_dates[cur['date'].strftime(df)].add( cur['pa_hash']) for cur, entries in curators_ev.items(): curators_ev_counts[cur] = len(entries) for cur, entries in curators_stmt.items(): curators_stmt_counts[cur] = len(entries) current_ev_sum = 0 current_stmt_sum = 0 for date, entries in sorted(cur_ev_dates.items()): current_ev_sum += len(entries) cur_ev_date_sum.append((date, current_ev_sum)) for date, entries in sorted(cur_stmt_dates.items()): current_stmt_sum += len(entries) cur_stmt_date_sum.append((date, current_stmt_sum)) cur_stats = { 'curators_ev_counts': sorted( curators_ev_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), 'curators_stmt_counts': sorted( curators_stmt_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), 'curs_by_tags': sorted( curs_by_tags.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), 'cur_ev_dates': cur_ev_date_sum, 'cur_stmt_dates': cur_stmt_date_sum } return cur_stats
[docs]class TestRound(Round): """Analyzes the results of one test round. Parameters ---------- json_results : list[dict] A list of JSON formatted dictionaries to store information about the test results. The first dictionary contains information about the model. Each consecutive dictionary contains information about a single test applied to the model and test results. date_str : str Time when ModelManager responsible for this round was created. Attributes ---------- mc_types_results : dict A dictionary mapping a type of a ModelChecker to a list of test results generated by this ModelChecker tests : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements used to make EMMAA tests. english_test_results : dict A dictionary mapping a test hash and a list containing its English description, result in Pass/Fail/n_a form and either a path if it was found or a result code if it was not. """ def __init__(self, json_results, date_str): super().__init__(date_str) self.json_results = json_results mc_types = self.json_results[0].get('mc_types', ['pysb']) self.mc_types_results = {} for mc_type in mc_types: self.mc_types_results[mc_type] = self._get_results(mc_type) self.tests = self._get_tests() self.english_test_results = self._get_applied_tests_results() @classmethod def load_from_s3_key(cls, key, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME):'Loading json from {key}') json_results = load_json_from_s3(bucket, key) date_str = json_results[0].get('date_str', strip_out_date(key)) return cls(json_results, date_str)
[docs] def get_applied_test_hashes(self): """Return a list of hashes for all applied tests.""" return list(self.english_test_results.keys())
[docs] def get_passed_test_hashes(self, mc_type='pysb'): """Return a list of hashes for passed tests.""" return [test_hash for test_hash in self.english_test_results.keys() if self.english_test_results[test_hash][mc_type][0] == 'Pass']
[docs] def get_total_applied_tests(self): """Return a number of all applied tests.""" total = len(self.tests)'{total} tests were applied.') return total
[docs] def get_number_passed_tests(self, mc_type='pysb'): """Return a number of all passed tests.""" total = len(self.get_passed_test_hashes(mc_type))'{total} tests passed.') return total
[docs] def passed_over_total(self, mc_type='pysb'): """Return a ratio of passed over total tests.""" total = self.get_total_applied_tests() if total == 0: return 0 return self.get_number_passed_tests(mc_type)/total
def _get_applied_tests_results(self): """Return a dictionary mapping a test hash and a list containing its English description, result in Pass/Fail form and either a path if it was found or a result code if it was not.""" tests_by_hash = {}'Retrieving test hashes, english tests and test results.') def get_pass_fail(res): # Here use result.path_found because we care if the path was found # and do not care about path length if res.path_found: return 'Pass' elif res.result_code == 'STATEMENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED': return 'n_a' else: return 'Fail' def get_path_or_code(ix, res, mc_type): path_or_code = None # Here use result.paths because we care about actual path (i.e. # we can't get a path exceeding max path length) if res.paths: try: path_or_code = ( self.json_results[ix+1][mc_type]['path_json']) # if json doesn't contain some of the fields except KeyError: pass # If path wasn't found or presented in json if not path_or_code: try: path_or_code = ( self.json_results[ix+1][mc_type]['result_code']) except KeyError: pass # Couldn't get either path or code description from json if not path_or_code: path_or_code = res.result_code return path_or_code for ix, test in enumerate(self.tests): test_hash = str(test.get_hash(refresh=True)) tests_by_hash[test_hash] = { 'test': self.get_english_statement(test)} for mc_type in self.mc_types_results: result = self.mc_types_results[mc_type][ix] tests_by_hash[test_hash][mc_type] = [ get_pass_fail(result), get_path_or_code(ix, result, mc_type)] return tests_by_hash def get_path_stmt_counts(self): path_stmt_counts = self.json_results[0].get('path_stmt_counts') if path_stmt_counts: return sorted( path_stmt_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return [] def _get_results(self, mc_type): unpickler = jsonpickle.unpickler.Unpickler() test_results = [unpickler.restore(result[mc_type]['result_json']) for result in self.json_results[1:]] return test_results def _get_tests(self): tests = [Statement._from_json(res['test_json']) for res in self.json_results[1:]] return tests
[docs]class StatsGenerator(object): """Parent class for classes generating statistic for a given round of tests or model update. Parameters ---------- model_name : str A name of a model the tests were run against. latest_round : ModelRound or TestRound or None An instance of a ModelRound or TestRound to generate statistics for. If not given, will be generated by loading json from s3. previous_round : ModelRound or TestRound or None A different instance of a ModelRound or TestRound to find delta between two rounds. If not given, will be generated by loading json from s3. previous_json_stats : dict A JSON-formatted dictionary containing model or test statistics for the previous round. Attributes ---------- json_stats : dict A JSON-formatted dictionary containing model or test statistics. """ def __init__(self, model_name, latest_round=None, previous_round=None, previous_json_stats=None, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): self.model_name = model_name self.bucket = bucket self.previous_date_str = None if not latest_round: self.latest_round = self._get_latest_round() else: self.latest_round = latest_round if not previous_json_stats: self.previous_json_stats = self._get_previous_json_stats() else: self.previous_json_stats = previous_json_stats if not previous_round: self.previous_round = self._get_previous_round() else: self.previous_round = previous_round self.json_stats = {}
[docs] def make_changes_over_time(self): """Add changes to model and tests over time to json_stats.""" raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
def get_over_time(self, section, metrics, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.") def get_dates(self): if not self.previous_json_stats: previous_dates = [] else: previous_dates = ( self.previous_json_stats['changes_over_time']['dates']) previous_dates.append(self.latest_round.date_str) return previous_dates def save_to_s3_key(self, stats_key): if self.json_stats:'Uploading statistics to {stats_key}') save_json_to_s3(self.json_stats, self.bucket, stats_key) def save_to_s3(self): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.") def _get_latest_round(self): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.") def _get_previous_round(self): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.") def _get_previous_json_stats(self): raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
[docs]class ModelStatsGenerator(StatsGenerator): """Generates statistic for a given model update round. Parameters ---------- model_name : str A name of a model the tests were run against. latest_round : emmaa.analyze_tests_results.ModelRound An instance of a ModelRound to generate statistics for. If not given, will be generated by loading model data from s3. previous_round : emmaa.analyze_tests_results.ModelRound A different instance of a ModelRound to find delta between two rounds. If not given, will be generated by loading model data from s3. previous_json_stats : list[dict] A JSON-formatted dictionary containing model statistics for previous update round. Attributes ---------- json_stats : dict A JSON-formatted dictionary containing model statistics. """ def __init__(self, model_name, latest_round=None, previous_round=None, previous_json_stats=None, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): super().__init__(model_name, latest_round, previous_round, previous_json_stats, bucket)
[docs] def make_stats(self): """Check if two latest model rounds were found and add statistics to json_stats dictionary. If both latest round and previous round were passed or found on s3, a dictionary will have three key-value pairs: model_summary, model_delta, and changes_over_time. """ if not self.latest_round:'Latest round for {self.model_name} is not found.') return if self.previous_json_stats and not self.previous_round:'Latest stats are found but latest round is not.') return'Generating stats for {self.model_name}.') self.make_model_summary() self.make_model_delta() self.make_paper_delta() self.make_paper_summary() self.make_curation_summary() self.make_changes_over_time()
[docs] def make_model_summary(self): """Add latest model state summary to json_stats."""'Generating model summary for {self.model_name}.') self.json_stats['model_summary'] = { 'model_name': self.model_name, 'number_of_statements': self.latest_round.get_total_statements(), 'stmts_type_distr': self.latest_round.get_statement_types(), 'agent_distr': self.latest_round.get_agent_distribution(), 'stmts_by_evidence': self.latest_round.get_statements_by_evidence(), 'sources': self.latest_round.get_sources_distribution(), 'all_stmts': self.latest_round.get_english_statements_by_hash() }
[docs] def make_model_delta(self): """Add model delta between two latest model states to json_stats."""'Generating model delta for {self.model_name}.') if not self.previous_round: self.json_stats['model_delta'] = { 'statements_hashes_delta': {'added': [], 'removed': []}} else: stmts_delta = self.latest_round.find_delta_hashes( self.previous_round, 'statements') self.json_stats['model_delta'] = { 'statements_hashes_delta': stmts_delta} msg = _make_delta_msg(self.model_name, 'stmts', stmts_delta, self.latest_round.date_str[:10]) if msg:['message'])
[docs] def make_paper_summary(self): """Add latest paper summary to json_stats."""'Generating model summary for {self.model_name}.') self.json_stats['paper_summary'] = { 'raw_paper_ids': self.latest_round.get_all_raw_paper_ids(), 'number_of_raw_papers': self.latest_round.get_number_raw_papers(), 'assembled_paper_ids': ( self.latest_round.get_all_assembled_paper_ids()), 'number_of_assembled_papers': ( self.latest_round.get_number_assembled_papers()), 'stmts_by_paper': self.latest_round.stmts_by_papers, 'paper_distr': self.latest_round.get_papers_distribution(), 'raw_paper_counts': self.latest_round.get_raw_paper_counts() } freq_trids = [pair[0] for pair in self.json_stats['paper_summary']['paper_distr'][:10]] new_trids = self.json_stats['paper_delta']['raw_paper_ids_delta'][ 'added'] trids = list(set(freq_trids).union(set(new_trids))) titles, links = self.latest_round.get_paper_titles_and_links(trids) self.json_stats['paper_summary']['paper_titles'] = titles self.json_stats['paper_summary']['paper_links'] = links
[docs] def make_paper_delta(self): """Add paper delta between two latest model states to json_stats."""'Generating paper delta for {self.model_name}.') if not self.previous_round or not self.previous_round.paper_ids: self.json_stats['paper_delta'] = { 'raw_paper_ids_delta': {'added': [], 'removed': []}, 'assembled_paper_ids_delta': {'added': [], 'removed': []}} else: raw_paper_delta = self.latest_round.find_delta_hashes( self.previous_round, 'raw_papers') assembled_paper_delta = self.latest_round.find_delta_hashes( self.previous_round, 'assembled_papers') self.json_stats['paper_delta'] = { 'raw_paper_ids_delta': raw_paper_delta, 'assembled_paper_ids_delta': assembled_paper_delta}'Read {len(raw_paper_delta["added"])} new papers.')'Got assembled statements from ' f'{len(assembled_paper_delta["added"])} new papers.')
[docs] def make_curation_summary(self): """Add latest curation summary to json_stats."""'Generating curation summary for { self.model_name}.') cur_stats = self.latest_round.get_curation_stats() self.json_stats['curation_summary'] = cur_stats
[docs] def make_changes_over_time(self): """Add changes to model over time to json_stats."""'Comparing changes over time for {self.model_name}.') self.json_stats['changes_over_time'] = { 'number_of_statements': self.get_over_time( 'model_summary', 'number_of_statements'), 'number_of_raw_papers': self.get_over_time( 'paper_summary', 'number_of_raw_papers'), 'number_of_assembled_papers': self.get_over_time( 'paper_summary', 'number_of_assembled_papers'), 'dates': self.get_dates()}
def get_over_time(self, section, metrics, mc_type='pysb'):'Getting changes over time in {metrics} ' f'for {self.model_name}.') # First available stats if not self.previous_json_stats: previous_data = [] else: previous_data = ( self.previous_json_stats['changes_over_time'].get(metrics, [])) previous_data.append(self.json_stats[section][metrics]) return previous_data def save_to_s3(self): date_str = self.latest_round.date_str stats_key = ( f'model_stats/{self.model_name}/model_stats_{date_str}.json') super().save_to_s3_key(stats_key) def _get_latest_round(self): latest_key = find_latest_s3_file( self.bucket, f'results/{self.model_name}/model_manager_', extension='.pkl') if latest_key is None:'Could not find a key to the latest model manager ' f'for {self.model_name} model.') return'Loading latest round from {latest_key}') mr = ModelRound.load_from_s3_key(latest_key, bucket=self.bucket, load_estmts=True) return mr def _get_previous_round(self): if not self.previous_json_stats:'Not loading previous round without previous stats') return previous_key = (f'results/{self.model_name}/model_manager_' f'{self.previous_date_str}.pkl') if previous_key is None:'Could not find a key to the previous model manager ' f'for {self.model_name} model.') return'Loading previous round from {previous_key}') mr = ModelRound.load_from_s3_key(previous_key, bucket=self.bucket) return mr def _get_previous_json_stats(self): key = find_latest_s3_file( self.bucket, f'model_stats/{self.model_name}/model_stats_', '.json') # This is the first time statistics is generated for this model if key is None:'Could not find a key to the previous statistics ') return # If stats for this date exists, previous stats is the second latest if strip_out_date(key) == self.latest_round.date_str:'Statistics for latest round already exists') key = find_nth_latest_s3_file( 1, self.bucket, f'model_stats/{self.model_name}/model_stats_', '.json') # Store the date string to find previous round with it self.previous_date_str = strip_out_date(key)'Loading earlier statistics from {key}') previous_json_stats = load_json_from_s3(self.bucket, key) return previous_json_stats
[docs]class TestStatsGenerator(StatsGenerator): """Generates statistic for a given test round. Parameters ---------- model_name : str A name of a model the tests were run against. test_corpus_str : str A name of a test corpus the model was tested against. latest_round : emmaa.analyze_tests_results.TestRound An instance of a TestRound to generate statistics for. If not given, will be generated by loading test results from s3. previous_round : emmaa.analyze_tests_results.TestRound A different instance of a TestRound to find delta between two rounds. If not given, will be generated by loading test results from s3. previous_json_stats : list[dict] A JSON-formatted dictionary containing test statistics for previous test round. Attributes ---------- json_stats : dict A JSON-formatted dictionary containing test statistics. """ def __init__(self, model_name, test_corpus_str='large_corpus_tests', latest_round=None, previous_round=None, previous_json_stats=None, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): self.test_corpus = test_corpus_str super().__init__(model_name, latest_round, previous_round, previous_json_stats, bucket)
[docs] def make_stats(self): """Check if two latest test rounds were found and add statistics to json_stats dictionary. If both latest round and previous round were passed or found on s3, a dictionary will have three key-value pairs: test_round_summary, tests_delta, and changes_over_time. """ if not self.latest_round:'Latest round for {self.model_name} is not found.') return if self.previous_json_stats and not self.previous_round:'Latest stats are found but latest round is not.') return'Generating stats for {self.model_name}.') self.make_test_summary() self.make_tests_delta() self.make_changes_over_time()
[docs] def make_test_summary(self): """Add latest test round summary to json_stats."""'Generating test summary for {self.model_name}.') self.json_stats['test_round_summary'] = { 'test_data': self.latest_round.json_results[0].get('test_data'), 'number_applied_tests': self.latest_round.get_total_applied_tests(), 'all_test_results': self.latest_round.english_test_results, 'path_stmt_counts': self.latest_round.get_path_stmt_counts()} for mc_type in self.latest_round.mc_types_results: self.json_stats['test_round_summary'][mc_type] = { 'number_passed_tests': ( self.latest_round.get_number_passed_tests(mc_type)), 'passed_ratio': self.latest_round.passed_over_total(mc_type)}
[docs] def make_tests_delta(self): """Add tests delta between two latest test rounds to json_stats."""'Generating tests delta for {self.model_name}.') date = self.latest_round.date_str[:10] test_name = None test_data = self.latest_round.json_results[0].get('test_data') if test_data: test_name = test_data.get('name') if not self.previous_round: tests_delta = { 'applied_hashes_delta': {'added': [], 'removed': []}} else: applied_delta = self.latest_round.find_delta_hashes( self.previous_round, 'applied_tests') tests_delta = { 'applied_hashes_delta': applied_delta} msg = _make_delta_msg( self.model_name, 'applied_tests', applied_delta, date, test_corpus=self.test_corpus, test_name=test_name) if msg:['message']) for mc_type in self.latest_round.mc_types_results: if not self.previous_round or mc_type not in \ self.previous_round.mc_types_results: tests_delta[mc_type] = { 'passed_hashes_delta': {'added': [], 'removed': []}} else: passed_delta = self.latest_round.find_delta_hashes( self.previous_round, 'passed_tests', mc_type=mc_type) tests_delta[mc_type] = { 'passed_hashes_delta': passed_delta} msg = _make_delta_msg( self.model_name, 'passed_tests', passed_delta, date, mc_type, test_corpus=self.test_corpus, test_name=test_name) if msg:['message']) self.json_stats['tests_delta'] = tests_delta
[docs] def make_changes_over_time(self): """Add changes to tests over time to json_stats."""'Comparing changes over time for {self.model_name}.') self.json_stats['changes_over_time'] = { 'number_applied_tests': self.get_over_time( 'test_round_summary', 'number_applied_tests'), 'dates': self.get_dates()} for mc_type in self.latest_round.mc_types_results: self.json_stats['changes_over_time'][mc_type] = { 'number_passed_tests': self.get_over_time( 'test_round_summary', 'number_passed_tests', mc_type), 'passed_ratio': self.get_over_time( 'test_round_summary', 'passed_ratio', mc_type)}
def get_over_time(self, section, metrics, mc_type='pysb'):'Getting changes over time in {metrics} ' f'for {self.model_name}.') # Not mc_type relevant data if metrics == 'number_applied_tests': # First available stats if not self.previous_json_stats: previous_data = [] else: previous_data = ( self.previous_json_stats['changes_over_time'][metrics]) previous_data.append(self.json_stats[section][metrics]) # Mc_type relevant data else: # First available stats if not self.previous_json_stats: previous_data = [] else: # This mc_type wasn't available in previous stats if mc_type not in \ self.previous_json_stats['changes_over_time']: previous_data = [] else: previous_data = ( self.previous_json_stats[ 'changes_over_time'][mc_type][metrics]) previous_data.append(self.json_stats[section][mc_type][metrics]) return previous_data def save_to_s3(self): date_str = self.latest_round.date_str stats_key = (f'stats/{self.model_name}/test_stats_{self.test_corpus}_' f'{date_str}.json') super().save_to_s3_key(stats_key) def _get_latest_round(self): latest_key = find_latest_s3_file( self.bucket, f'results/{self.model_name}/results_{self.test_corpus}', extension='.json') if latest_key is None:'Could not find a key to the latest test results ' f'for {self.model_name} model.') return'Loading latest round from {latest_key}') tr = TestRound.load_from_s3_key(latest_key, bucket=self.bucket) return tr def _get_previous_round(self): if not self.previous_json_stats:'Not loading previous round without previous stats') return previous_key = (f'results/{self.model_name}/results_{self.test_corpus}' f'_{self.previous_date_str}.json') if previous_key is None:'Could not find a key to the previous test results ' f'for {self.model_name} model.') return'Loading previous round from {previous_key}') tr = TestRound.load_from_s3_key(previous_key, bucket=self.bucket) return tr def _get_previous_json_stats(self): key = find_latest_s3_file( self.bucket, f'stats/{self.model_name}/test_stats_{self.test_corpus}_', '.json') # This is the first time statistics is generated for this model if key is None:'Could not find a key to the previous statistics ') return # If stats for this date exists, previous stats is the second latest if strip_out_date(key) == self.latest_round.date_str:'Statistics for latest round already exists') key = find_nth_latest_s3_file( 1, self.bucket, f'stats/{self.model_name}/test_stats_{self.test_corpus}_', '.json') # Store the date string to find previous round with it self.previous_date_str = strip_out_date(key)'Loading earlier statistics from {key}') previous_json_stats = load_json_from_s3(self.bucket, key) return previous_json_stats
[docs]def generate_stats_on_s3( model_name, mode, test_corpus_str='large_corpus_tests', upload_stats=True, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Generate statistics for latest round of model update or tests. Parameters ---------- model_name : str A name of EmmaaModel. mode : str Type of stats to generate (model or tests) test_corpus_str : str A name of a test corpus. upload_stats : Optional[bool] Whether to upload latest statistics about model and a test. Default: True """ if mode == 'model': sg = ModelStatsGenerator(model_name, bucket=bucket) elif mode == 'tests': sg = TestStatsGenerator(model_name, test_corpus_str, bucket=bucket) else: raise TypeError('Mode must be either model or tests') sg.make_stats() # Optionally upload stats to S3 if upload_stats: sg.save_to_s3() return sg
def _get_pmid_titles(pmids): pmids_to_titles = {} n = 200 n_batches = len(pmids) // n if len(pmids) % n: n_batches += 1 for i in range(n_batches): start = n * i end = start + n batch = pmids[start: end] m = pubmed_client.get_metadata_for_ids(batch) for pmid, metadata in m.items(): pmids_to_titles[pmid] = metadata['title'] return pmids_to_titles def _get_doi_title(doi): m = crossref_client.get_metadata(doi) if m: title = m.get('title') if title: return title[0] def _get_pmcid_title(pmcid): title = pmc_client.get_title(pmcid) return title def _get_trid_title(trid): db = get_db('primary') tc = db.select_one(db.TextContent, db.TextContent.text_ref_id == trid, db.TextContent.text_type == 'title') if tc: title = unpack(tc.content) return title tr = db.select_one(db.TextRef, == trid) ref_dict = tr.get_ref_dict() if 'PMID' in ref_dict: pmid = ref_dict['PMID'] pmids_to_titles = _get_pmid_titles([pmid]) if pmid in pmids_to_titles: return pmids_to_titles[pmid] if 'PMCID' in ref_dict: title = _get_pmcid_title(ref_dict['PMCID']) if title: return title if 'DOI' in ref_dict: title = _get_doi_title(ref_dict['DOI']) if title: return title def _get_publication_link(text_refs): if text_refs.get('PMCID'): name = 'PMC' link = f'{text_refs["PMCID"]}' elif text_refs.get('PMID'): name = 'PubMed' link = f'{text_refs["PMID"]}' elif text_refs.get('DOI'): name = 'DOI' link = f'{text_refs["DOI"]}' elif text_refs.get('URL'): name = 'other' link = text_refs['URL'] return (link, name)