ASKE Month 13 Milestone Report

System performance statistics

EMMAA currenty manages a total of 11 models. Eight of these models are fully machine-maintained and represent various diseases (7 models) and pathways (1 model). Two models are based on expert-curated natural language, then linked to literature evidence and tested automatically. Finally, one model represents a set of causal factors affecting food insecurity, i.e., is outside the domain of molecular biology.

To quantify the performance of the system in terms of extending and testing/ analyzing models, we plotted the distribution of (1) number of new statements added (2) number of new tests applied and (3) change in the test pass ratio for each of the machine-maintained biology models each day.

Histogram of the number of new statements added to each model each day. As we can see, the change in the number of statements is often zero (i.e., no new mechanisms were found relevant to the given model), but otherwise is between 1-15 new statements per day. In some cases, the assembly procedure removes previously existing mechanisms from the model, thereby making the number of statements added negative.


Histogram of the number of new applied tests each day. Typically, if new statements are added to a model, the number of applied tests can increase. As shown in the histogram, new mechanisms added to a model often result in dozens of new test being applicable to the model.


Histogram of the change in the fraction of tests that pass (across all four modeling formalisms, PySB, PyBEL, signed graph, unsigned graph) each day compared to the previous day. While small fractional changes are more common, in some cases, model extensions (or changes to model assembly) resulted in large jumps in test pass ratio of 5-25%.



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