Source code for emmaa.db.schema

__all__ = ['User', 'Query', 'UserQuery', 'Result', 'UserModel']

import logging

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, UniqueConstraint, ForeignKey, \
    Boolean, DateTime, func, BigInteger
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, ARRAY

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Base = declarative_base()

class EmmaaTable(object):
    _skip_disp = []

    def _content_strings(self):
        ret = []
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if not k.startswith('_'):
                if k in self._skip_disp:
                    ret.append(f'{k}=[not shown]')
        return ret

    def _make_str(self):
        s = self.__tablename__ + ':\n'
        s += '\n'.join(f'\t{line}' for line in self._content_strings())
        return s

    def display(self):
        """Display the values of this entry."""

    def __str__(self):
        return self._make_str()

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}' \
               f'({", ".join(self._content_strings())})'

[docs]class User(Base, EmmaaTable): """A table containing users of EMMAA: ``User(_id_, email)`` Parameters ---------- id : int (from, primary key) A database-generated integer from the User table in indralab auth tools. email : str The email of the user (must be unique) """ __tablename__ = 'user' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) email = Column(String, unique=True)
[docs]class Query(Base, EmmaaTable): """Queries run on each model: ``Query(_hash_, model_id, json, qtype)`` The hash column is a hash generated from the json and model_id columns that can be derived from the Parameters ---------- hash : big-int (primary key) A 32 bit integer generated from the json and model_id. model_id : str (20 character) The short id/acronym for the given model. json : json A json dict containing the relevant parameters defining the query. """ __tablename__ = 'query' hash = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) model_id = Column(String(20), nullable=False) json = Column(JSONB, nullable=False) qtype = Column(String(40), default='path_property') __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('model_id', 'json', name='query-uniqueness'), )
[docs]class UserQuery(Base, EmmaaTable): """A table linking users to queries: ``UserQuery(_id_, user_id, query_hash, date, subscription, count)`` Parameters ---------- id : int (auto, primary key) A database-assigned integer id. user_id : int (foreign key -> The id of the user related to this query. query_hash : big-int (foreign key -> Query.hash) The hash of the query json, which can be directly generated. date : datetime (auto) The date that this entry was added to the database. subscription : bool Record whether the user has subscribed to see results of this model. count : int Record the number of times the user associated with user id has done this query """ __tablename__ = 'user_query' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) user = relationship(User) query_hash = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey('query.hash'), nullable=False) query = relationship(Query) date = Column(DateTime, subscription = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) count = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
[docs]class UserModel(Base, EmmaaTable): """A table linking users to models: ``UserModel(_id_, user_id, model_id, date, subscription)`` Parameters ---------- id : int (auto, primary key) A database-assigned integer id. user_id : int (foreign key -> The id of the user related to this query. model_id : str (20 character) The short id/acronym for the given model. date : datetime (auto) The date that this entry was added to the database. subscription : bool Record whether the user has subscribed to see results of this model. """ __tablename__ = 'user_model' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) user = relationship(User) model_id = Column(String(20), nullable=False) date = Column(DateTime, subscription = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
[docs]class Result(Base, EmmaaTable): """Results of queries to models: ``Result(_id_, query_hash, date, result_json, mc_type, all_result_hashes, delta)`` Parameters ---------- id : int (auto, primary key) A database-assigned integer id. query_hash : big-int (foreign key -> Query.hash) The hash of the query json, which can be directly generated. date : datetime (auto) The date the result was entered into the database. result_json : json A json dict containing the results for the query. mc_type : str A name of a ModelChecker used to answer the query. """ __tablename__ = 'result' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) query_hash = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey('query.hash'), nullable=False) query = relationship(Query) date = Column(DateTime, result_json = Column(JSONB, nullable=False) mc_type = Column(String(20), default='pysb') all_result_hashes = Column(ARRAY(String), default=[]) delta = Column(ARRAY(String), default=[])