Source code for emmaa.model

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
import time
import logging
import datetime
import pybel
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import mode
from indra.databases import ndex_client
from indra.databases.identifiers import parse_identifiers_url
from indra.literature import pubmed_client, elsevier_client, biorxiv_client
from import CxAssembler
from indra.assemblers.pysb import PysbAssembler
from indra.assemblers.pysb.sites import states
from indra.assemblers.pybel import PybelAssembler
from indra.assemblers.indranet import IndraNetAssembler
from indra.statements import stmts_from_json, Agent, ModCondition, \
    RegulateActivity, RegulateAmount, Modification, ActivityCondition
from indra.mechlinker import MechLinker
from indra.pipeline import AssemblyPipeline, register_pipeline
from import filter_grounded_only, run_preassembly
from indra.sources.indra_db_rest import get_statements_by_hash
from indra.sources.minerva import process_from_web
from indra.explanation.reporting import stmt_from_rule
from indra_db.client.principal.curation import get_curations
from indra_db.client import HasHash
from indra_db.util import get_db, _get_trids
from emmaa.priors import SearchTerm
from emmaa.readers.db_client_reader import read_db_pmid_search_terms, \
from emmaa.util import make_date_str, find_latest_s3_file, strip_out_date, \
    EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME, find_nth_latest_s3_file, load_pickle_from_s3, \
    save_pickle_to_s3, load_json_from_s3, save_json_to_s3, \
    load_gzip_json_from_s3, get_s3_client
from emmaa.statements import to_emmaa_stmts, is_internal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EmmaaModel(object): """Represents an EMMAA model. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the model. config : dict A configuration dict that is typically loaded from a YAML file. paper_ids : list(str) or None A list of paper IDs used to get statements for the current state of the model. With new reading results, new paper IDs will be added. If not provided, initial set will be derived from existing statements. Attributes ---------- stmts : list[emmaa.EmmaaStatement] A list of EmmaaStatement objects representing the model assembly_config : dict Configurations for assembling the model. test_config : dict Configurations for running tests on the model. reading_config : dict Configurations for reading the content. query_config : dict Configurations for running queries on the model. search_terms : list[emmaa.priors.SearchTerm] A list of SearchTerm objects containing the search terms used in the model. ndex_network : str The identifier of the NDEx network corresponding to the model. assembled_stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of assembled INDRA Statements """ def __init__(self, name, config, paper_ids=None): = name self.stmts = [] self.assembly_config = {} self.test_config = {} self.reading_config = {} self.query_config = {} self.search_terms = [] self.ndex_network = None self.human_readable_name = None self.export_formats = [] self._load_config(config) self.assembled_stmts = [] self.dynamic_assembled_stmts = [] if paper_ids: self.paper_ids = set(paper_ids) else: self.paper_ids = set() self.date_str = make_date_str()
[docs] def add_statements(self, stmts): """Add a set of EMMAA Statements to the model Parameters ---------- stmts : list[emmaa.EmmaaStatement] A list of EMMAA Statements to add to the model """ self.stmts += stmts
[docs] def get_indra_stmts(self): """Return the INDRA Statements contained in the model. Returns ------- list[indra.statements.Statement] The list of INDRA Statements that are extracted from the EMMAA Statements. """ return [es.stmt for es in self.stmts]
def _load_config(self, config): self.search_terms = [SearchTerm.from_json(s) for s in config['search_terms']] if 'ndex' in config: self.ndex_network = config['ndex']['network'] else: self.ndex_network = None if 'reading' in config: self.reading_config = config['reading'] if 'assembly' in config: if isinstance(config['assembly'], list): self.assembly_config = {'main': config['assembly']} else: self.assembly_config = config['assembly'] if 'test' in config: self.test_config = config['test'] if 'query' in config: self.query_config = config['query'] if 'human_readable_name' in config: self.human_readable_name = config['human_readable_name'] self.export_formats = config.get('export_formats', []) # todo: remove this temporary fix when GroMEt works again if "gromet" in self.export_formats: self.export_formats.remove("gromet")
[docs] def search_literature(self, lit_source, date_limit=None): """Search for the model's search terms in the literature. Parameters ---------- date_limit : Optional[int] The number of days to search back from today. Returns ------- ids_to_terms : dict A dict representing all the literature source IDs (e.g., PMIDs or PIIS) returned by the searches as keys, and the search terms for which the given ID was produced as values. """ if lit_source == 'pubmed': terms_to_ids = self.search_pubmed(self.search_terms, date_limit) elif lit_source == 'biorxiv': collection_id = self.reading_config.get('collection_id', '181') terms_to_ids = self.search_biorxiv(collection_id, date_limit) elif lit_source == 'elsevier': terms_to_ids = self.search_elsevier(self.search_terms, date_limit) else: raise ValueError('Unknown literature source: %s' % lit_source) ids_to_terms = {} for term, ids in terms_to_ids.items(): for id in ids: try: ids_to_terms[id].append(term) except KeyError: ids_to_terms[id] = [term] return ids_to_terms
[docs] @staticmethod def search_pubmed(search_terms, date_limit): """Search PubMed for given search terms. Parameters ---------- search_terms : list[emmaa.priors.SearchTerm] A list of SearchTerm objects to search PubMed for. date_limit : int The number of days to search back from today. Returns ------- terms_to_pmids : dict A dict representing given search terms as keys and PMIDs returned by searches as values. """ terms_to_pmids = {} for term in search_terms: pmids = pubmed_client.get_ids(term.search_term, reldate=date_limit)'{len(pmids)} PMIDs found for {term.search_term}') terms_to_pmids[term] = pmids time.sleep(1) return terms_to_pmids
[docs] @staticmethod def search_elsevier(search_terms, date_limit): """Search Elsevier for given search terms. Parameters ---------- search_terms : list[emmaa.priors.SearchTerm] A list of SearchTerm objects to search PubMed for. date_limit : int The number of days to search back from today. Returns ------- terms_to_piis : dict A dict representing given search terms as keys and PIIs returned by searches as values. """ start_date = ( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=date_limit)) start_date = start_date.isoformat(timespec='seconds') + 'Z' terms_to_piis = {} for term in search_terms: # NOTE for now limiting the search to only 5 PIIs piis = elsevier_client.get_piis_for_date( term.search_term, loaded_after=start_date)[:5]'{len(piis)} PIIs found for {term.search_term}') terms_to_piis[term] = piis time.sleep(1) return terms_to_piis
[docs] @staticmethod def search_biorxiv(collection_id, date_limit): """Search BioRxiv within date_limit. Parameters ---------- date_limit : int The number of days to search back from today. collection_id : str ID of a collection to search BioArxiv for. Returns ------- terms_to_dois : dict A dict representing biorxiv collection ID as key and DOIs returned by search as values. """ start_date = ( datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=date_limit)) dois = biorxiv_client.get_collection_dois(collection_id, start_date)'{len(dois)} DOIs found') term = SearchTerm('other', f'biorxiv: {collection_id}', {}, None) terms_to_dois = {term: dois} return terms_to_dois
[docs] def get_new_readings(self, date_limit=10): """Search new literature, read, and add to model statements""" readers = self.reading_config.get('reader', ['indra_db_pmid']) lit_sources = self.reading_config.get('literature_source', ['pubmed']) if isinstance(lit_sources, str): lit_sources = [lit_sources] if isinstance(readers, str): readers = [readers] # First get statements from literature and extend existing statements # Some models are not updated from literature if lit_sources is not None and readers is not None: estmts = [] for lit_source, reader in zip(lit_sources, readers): ids_to_terms = self.search_literature(lit_source, date_limit) if reader == 'aws': from emmaa.readers.aws_reader import read_pmid_search_terms new_estmts = read_pmid_search_terms( ids_to_terms) self.add_paper_ids(ids_to_terms.keys(), 'pmid') elif reader == 'indra_db_pmid': new_estmts = read_db_pmid_search_terms( ids_to_terms) self.add_paper_ids(ids_to_terms.keys(), 'pmid') elif reader == 'indra_db_doi': new_estmts = read_db_doi_search_terms( ids_to_terms) self.add_paper_ids(ids_to_terms.keys(), 'doi') elif reader == 'elsevier_eidos': from emmaa.readers.elsevier_eidos_reader import \ read_elsevier_eidos_search_terms new_estmts = read_elsevier_eidos_search_terms( ids_to_terms) self.add_paper_ids(ids_to_terms.keys(), 'pii') else: raise ValueError('Unknown reader: %s' % reader) estmts += new_estmts'Got a total of %d new EMMAA Statements from reading' % len(estmts)) self.extend_unique(estmts) # The following methods get subsets of statements from other sources # and overwrite existing statements estmts = [] if self.reading_config.get('cord19_update'): new_estmts = self.update_with_cord19( self.reading_config['cord19_update']) estmts += new_estmts if self.reading_config.get('disease_map'): new_estmts = self.update_from_disease_map( self.reading_config['disease_map']) estmts += new_estmts if self.reading_config.get('other_files'): new_estmts = self.update_from_files( self.reading_config['other_files']) estmts += new_estmts if estmts: self.stmts = estmts self.eliminate_copies()
[docs] def extend_unique(self, estmts): """Extend model statements only if it is not already there.""" source_hashes = {est.stmt.get_hash(shallow=False, refresh=True) for est in self.stmts} len_before = len(self.stmts) for estmt in estmts: if estmt.stmt.get_hash(shallow=False, refresh=True) not in \ source_hashes: self.stmts.append(estmt) len_after = len(self.stmts)'Extended EMMAA Statements by %d new Statements' % (len_after - len_before))
[docs] def update_with_cord19(self, cord19_config): """Update model with new CORD19 dataset statements. Relevant part of reading config should look similar to: {"cord19_update": { "metadata": { "internal": true, "curated": false }, "date_limit": 5 } } """ # Using local import to avoid dependency from covid_19.emmaa_update import make_model_stmts current_stmts = self.get_indra_stmts() metadata = cord19_config['metadata'] date_limit = cord19_config['date_limit'] new_stmts, paper_ids = make_model_stmts( current_stmts, date_limit=date_limit) new_estmts = to_emmaa_stmts( new_stmts,, [], metadata=metadata) self.add_paper_ids(paper_ids, 'TRID') return new_estmts
[docs] def update_from_disease_map(self, disease_map_config): """Update model by processing MINERVA Disease Map. Relevant part of reading config should look similar to: {"disease_map": { "map_name": "covid19map", "filenames" : "all", # or a list of filenames "metadata": { "internal": true } } } """ filenames = disease_map_config['filenames'] map_name = disease_map_config['map_name'] metadata = disease_map_config['metadata']'Loading Statements from %s Disease Map' % map_name) sp = process_from_web(filenames=filenames, map_name=map_name) new_estmts = to_emmaa_stmts( sp.statements,, [], metadata)'Got %d EMMAA Statements from %s Disease Map' % (len(new_estmts), map_name)) return new_estmts
[docs] def update_from_files(self, files_config): """Add custom statements from files. Relevant part of reading config should look similar to: {"other_files": [ { "bucket": "indra-covid19", "filename": "ctd_stmts.pkl", "metadata": {"internal": true, "curated": true} } ] } """ new_estmts = [] for file_dict in files_config: bucket = file_dict['bucket'] fname = file_dict['filename'] metadata = file_dict['metadata'] file_stmts = load_pickle_from_s3(bucket, fname)'Loaded {len(file_stmts)} statements from {fname}.') file_estmts = to_emmaa_stmts( file_stmts,, [], metadata) new_estmts += file_estmts return new_estmts
[docs] def add_paper_ids(self, initial_ids, id_type='pmid'): """Convert if needed and save paper IDs. Parameters ---------- initial_ids : set(str) A set of paper IDs. id_type : str What type the given IDs are (e.g. pmid, doi, pii). All IDs except for PIIs will be converted into TextRef IDs before saving. """'Adding new paper IDs from {len(initial_ids)} {id_type}s') if id_type in {'pii', 'TRID'}: self.paper_ids.update(set(initial_ids)) else: db = get_db('primary') for paper_id in initial_ids: trids = _get_trids(db, paper_id, id_type) # Some papers might be not in the database yet if trids: self.paper_ids.add(trids[0])
[docs] def get_paper_ids_from_stmts(self, stmts): """Get initial set of paper IDs from a list of statements. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[emmaa.statements.EmmaaStatement] A list of EMMAA statements to create the mappings from. """ main_id_type = self.reading_config.get('main_id_type', 'TRID')'Extracting {main_id_type}s from statements') paper_ids = set() for estmt in stmts: for evid in estmt.stmt.evidence: if main_id_type == 'pii': paper_id = evid.annotations.get('pii') else: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(main_id_type) # In some TextRefs the keys might be lowercase if not paper_id: paper_id = evid.text_refs.get(main_id_type.lower()) if paper_id: paper_ids.add(paper_id)'Got {len(paper_ids)} {main_id_type}s from statements') return paper_ids
[docs] def eliminate_copies(self): """Filter out exact copies of the same Statement."""'Starting with %d raw EmmaaStatements' % len(self.stmts)) self.stmts = list({estmt.stmt.get_hash(shallow=False, refresh=True): estmt for estmt in self.stmts}.values())'Continuing with %d raw EmmaaStatements' ' that are not exact copies') % len(self.stmts))
[docs] def run_assembly(self): """Run INDRA's assembly pipeline on the Statements.""" from indra_world.belief import get_eidos_scorer from indra_world.ontology import load_world_ontology self.eliminate_copies() stmts = self.get_indra_stmts() stnames = { for s in self.search_terms} ap = AssemblyPipeline(self.assembly_config['main']) self.assembled_stmts =, stnames=stnames)
[docs] def update_to_ndex(self): """Update assembled model as CX on NDEx, updates existing network.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() cxa = CxAssembler(self.assembled_stmts, cxa.make_model() cx_str = cxa.print_cx() ndex_client.update_network(cx_str, self.ndex_network)
[docs] def upload_to_ndex(self): """Upload the assembled model as CX to NDEx, creates new network.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() cxa = CxAssembler(self.assembled_stmts, cxa.make_model() model_uuid = cxa.upload_model() self.ndex_network = model_uuid return model_uuid
[docs] def save_to_s3(self, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Dump the model state to S3.""" fname = f'models/{}/model_{self.date_str}' # Dump as pickle save_pickle_to_s3(self.stmts, bucket, key=fname+'.pkl') # Save ids to stmt hashes mapping as json id_fname = f'papers/{}/paper_ids_{self.date_str}.json' save_json_to_s3(list(self.paper_ids), bucket, key=id_fname)
# Dump as json # save_json_to_s3(self.to_json(), bucket, key=fname+'.json')
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_s3(klass, model_name, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Load the latest model state from S3. Parameters ---------- model_name : str Name of model to load. This function expects the latest model to be found on S3 in the emmaa bucket with key 'models/{model_name}/model_{date_string}', and the model config file at 'models/{model_name}/config.json'. Returns ------- emmaa.model.EmmaaModel Latest instance of EmmaaModel with the given name, loaded from S3. """ config = load_config_from_s3(model_name, bucket=bucket) stmts, stmts_key = load_stmts_from_s3(model_name, bucket=bucket) date = strip_out_date(stmts_key) # Stmts and papers should be from the same date key = f'papers/{model_name}/paper_ids_{date}.json' try: paper_ids = load_json_from_s3(bucket, key) except ClientError as e: logger.warning(f'Could not find paper IDs mapping due to: {e}') paper_ids = None em = klass(model_name, config, paper_ids) em.stmts = stmts if not paper_ids: em.paper_ids = em.get_paper_ids_from_stmts(stmts) return em
[docs] def get_entities(self): """Return a list of Agent objects that the model contains.""" istmts = self.get_indra_stmts() agents = [] for stmt in istmts: agents += [a for a in stmt.agent_list() if a is not None] return agents
[docs] def get_assembled_entities(self): """Return a list of Agent objects that the assembled model contains.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() agents = [] for stmt in self.assembled_stmts: agents += [a for a in stmt.agent_list() if a is not None] return agents
[docs] def assemble_pysb(self, mode='local', bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Assemble the model into PySB and return the assembled model.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() pa = PysbAssembler() pa.add_statements(self.assembled_stmts) pysb_model = pa.make_model() if mode == 's3': for exp_f in self.export_formats: if exp_f not in {'sbml', 'kappa', 'kappa_im', 'kappa_cm', 'bngl', 'sbgn', 'pysb_flat'}: # , 'gromet'}: continue elif exp_f == 'gromet': # fixme: this does not run currently # Export gromet here if there's no separate "dynamic" pysb if 'dynamic' not in self.assembly_config: fname = f'gromet_{self.date_str}.json' try: pysb_to_gromet(pysb_model,, self.assembled_stmts, fname) except Exception as e:'Could not export to GroMEt') continue else: fname = f'{exp_f}_{self.date_str}.{exp_f}' pa.export_model(exp_f, fname)'Uploading {fname}') client = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) client.upload_file(fname, bucket, f'exports/{}/{fname}') return pysb_model
[docs] def assemble_pybel(self, mode='local', bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Assemble the model into PyBEL and return the assembled model.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() pba = PybelAssembler(self.assembled_stmts) pybel_model = pba.make_model() if mode == 's3' and 'pybel' in self.export_formats: fname = f'pybel_{self.date_str}.bel.nodelink.json.gz' pybel.dump(pybel_model, fname)'Uploading {fname}') client = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) client.upload_file(fname, bucket, f'exports/{}/{fname}') return pybel_model
[docs] def assemble_signed_graph(self, mode='local', bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Assemble the model into signed graph and return the assembled graph. """ if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() ia = IndraNetAssembler(self.assembled_stmts) method = self.test_config.get('indranet_method', 'preassembly') signed_graph = ia.make_model( method=method, graph_type='signed', extra_columns=[('internal', is_internal)], keep_self_loops=False) if mode == 's3' and 'indranet' in self.export_formats: fname = f'indranet_{self.date_str}.tsv' df = ia.make_df() df.to_csv(fname, sep='\t', index=False)'Uploading {fname}') client = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) client.upload_file(fname, bucket, f'exports/{}/{fname}') return signed_graph
[docs] def assemble_unsigned_graph(self, **kwargs): """Assemble the model into unsigned graph and return the assembled graph.""" if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() ia = IndraNetAssembler(self.assembled_stmts) method = self.test_config.get('indranet_method', 'preassembly') unsigned_graph = ia.make_model( method=method, graph_type='digraph', extra_columns=[('internal', is_internal)], keep_self_loops=False) return unsigned_graph
[docs] def assemble_dynamic_pysb(self, mode='local', bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Assemble a version of a PySB model for dynamic simulation.""" # First need to run regular assembly if not self.assembled_stmts: self.run_assembly() if 'dynamic' in self.assembly_config:'Assembling dynamic PySB model') ap = AssemblyPipeline(self.assembly_config['dynamic']) # Not overwrite assembled stmts stmts = deepcopy(self.assembled_stmts) self.dynamic_assembled_stmts = pa = PysbAssembler() pa.add_statements(self.dynamic_assembled_stmts) pysb_model = pa.make_model() if mode == 's3' and 'gromet' in self.export_formats: fname = f'gromet_{self.date_str}.json' try: pysb_to_gromet(pysb_model,, self.dynamic_assembled_stmts, fname)'Uploading {fname}') client = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) client.upload_file(fname, bucket, f'exports/{}/{fname}') except Exception as e:'Could not export to GroMEt') return pysb_model'Did not find dynamic assembly steps')
[docs] def to_json(self): """Convert the model into a json dumpable dictionary"""'Converting a model to JSON') json_output = {'name':, 'ndex_network': self.ndex_network, 'search_terms': [st.to_json() for st in self.search_terms], 'stmts': [st.to_json() for st in self.stmts]} return json_output
def __repr__(self): return "EmmaModel(%s, %d stmts, %d search terms)" % \ (, len(self.stmts), len(self.search_terms))
@register_pipeline def filter_relevance(stmts, stnames, policy=None): """Filter a list of Statements to ones matching a search term."""'Filtering %d statements for relevance...' % len(stmts)) stmts_out = [] for stmt in stmts: agnames = { for a in stmt.agent_list() if a is not None} if policy == 'prior_one' and (agnames & stnames): stmts_out.append(stmt) elif policy == 'prior_all' and agnames.issubset(stnames): stmts_out.append(stmt) elif policy is None: stmts_out.append(stmt)'%d statements after filter...' % len(stmts_out)) return stmts_out @register_pipeline def filter_eidos_ungrounded(stmts): """Filter out statements from Eidos with ungrounded agents.""" 'Filtering out ungrounded Eidos statements from %d statements...' % len(stmts)) stmts_out = [] eidos_stmts = [] for stmt in stmts: if stmt.evidence[0].source_api == 'eidos': eidos_stmts.append(stmt) else: stmts_out.append(stmt) eidos_grounded = filter_grounded_only(eidos_stmts) stmts_out += eidos_grounded'%d statements after filter...' % len(stmts_out)) return stmts_out
[docs]def load_config_from_s3(model_name, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Return a JSON dict of config settings for a model from S3. Parameters ---------- model_name : str The name of the model whose config should be loaded. Returns ------- config : dict A JSON dictionary of the model configuration loaded from S3. """ base_key = f'models/{model_name}' config_key = f'{base_key}/config.json''Loading model config from {config_key}') config = load_json_from_s3(bucket, config_key) return config
[docs]def save_config_to_s3(model_name, config, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Upload config settings for a model to S3. Parameters ---------- model_name : str The name of the model whose config should be saved to S3. config : dict A JSON dict of configurations for the model. """ base_key = f'models/{model_name}' config_key = f'{base_key}/config.json''Saving model config to {config_key}') save_json_to_s3(config, bucket, config_key)
[docs]def load_stmts_from_s3(model_name, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Return the list of EMMAA Statements constituting the latest model. Parameters ---------- model_name : str The name of the model whose config should be loaded. Returns ------- stmts : list of emmaa.statements.EmmaaStatement The list of EMMAA Statements in the latest model version. """ base_key = f'models/{model_name}' latest_model_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket, f'{base_key}/model_', extension='.pkl')'Loading model state from {latest_model_key}') stmts = load_pickle_from_s3(bucket, latest_model_key) return stmts, latest_model_key
def _default_test(model, config=None, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): if config: return config['test']['default_test_corpus'] else: config = load_config_from_s3(model, bucket=bucket) return _default_test(model, config, bucket=bucket)
[docs]def last_updated_date(model, file_type='model', date_format='date', tests='large_corpus_tests', extension='.pkl', n=0, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Find the most recent or the nth file of given type on S3 and return its creation date. Example file name: models/aml/model_2018-12-13-18-11-54.pkl Parameters ---------- model : str Model name to look for file_type : str Type of a file to find the latest file for. Accepted values: 'model', 'test_results', 'model_stats', 'test_stats'. date_format : str Format of the returned date. Accepted values are 'datetime' (returns a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss") and 'date' (returns a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"). Default is 'date'. extension : str The extension the model file needs to have. Default is '.pkl' n : int Index of the file in list of S3 files sorted by date (0-indexed). bucket : str Name of bucket on S3. Returns ------- last_updated : str A string of the selected format. """ if file_type == 'model': folder_name = 'models' prefix_new = prefix_old = f'models/{model}/model_' elif file_type == 'test_results': prefix_new = f'results/{model}/results_{tests}' prefix_old = f'results/{model}/results_' elif file_type == 'model_stats': prefix_new = f'model_stats/{model}/model_stats_' prefix_old = f'stats/{model}/stats_' elif file_type == 'test_stats': prefix_new = f'stats/{model}/test_stats_{tests}' prefix_old = f'stats/{model}/stats_' else: raise TypeError(f'Files of type {file_type} are not supported') try: return strip_out_date( find_nth_latest_s3_file( n=n, bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix_new, extension=extension), date_format=date_format) except TypeError: try: return strip_out_date( find_nth_latest_s3_file( n=n, bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix_old, extension=extension), date_format=date_format) except TypeError:'Could not find latest update date') return ''
[docs]def get_model_stats(model, mode, tests=None, date=None, extension='.json', n=0, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Gets the latest statistics for the given model Parameters ---------- model : str Model name to look for mode : str Type of stats to generate (model or test) tests : str A name of a test corpus. Default is large_corpus_tests. date : str or None Date for which the stats will be returned in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. extension : str Extension of the file. n : int Index of the file in list of S3 files sorted by date (0-indexed). bucket : str Name of bucket on S3. Returns ------- model_data : json The json formatted data containing the statistics for the model """ if not tests: tests = _default_test(model, bucket=bucket) # If date is not specified, get the latest or the nth if not date: if mode == 'model': date = last_updated_date(model, 'model_stats', 'date', extension=extension, n=n, bucket=bucket) elif mode == 'test': date = last_updated_date(model, 'test_stats', 'date', tests=tests, extension=extension, n=n, bucket=bucket) else: raise TypeError('Mode must be either model or tests') # Try find new formatted stats (separate for model and tests) if mode == 'model': # File name example: # model_stats/skcm/model_stats_2019-08-20-17-34-40.json prefix = f'model_stats/{model}/model_stats_{date}' latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix, extension=extension) elif mode == 'test': # File name example: # stats/skcm/test_stats_large_corpus_tests_2019-08-20-17-34-40.json prefix = f'stats/{model}/test_stats_{tests}_{date}' latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix, extension=extension) else: raise TypeError('Mode must be either model or tests') # This might be an older file with model and test stats combined. # File name example: stats/skcm/stats_2019-08-20-17-34-40.json if not latest_file_key and ( mode == 'model' or ( mode == 'test' and tests == _default_test(model))): prefix = f'stats/{model}/stats_{date}' latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix, extension=extension) # If we still didn't filnd the file it probably does not exist if not latest_file_key: return None, None return (load_json_from_s3(bucket, latest_file_key), latest_file_key)
[docs]def get_assembled_statements(model, date=None, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Load and return a list of assembled statements. Parameters ---------- model : str A name of a model. date : str or None Date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format for which to load the statements. If None, loads the latest available statements. bucket : str Name of S3 bucket to look for a file. Defaults to 'emmaa'. Returns ------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of assembled statements. latest_file_key : str Key of a file with statements on s3. """ if not date: prefix = f'assembled/{model}/statements_' else: prefix = f'assembled/{model}/statements_{date}' # Try loading gzip file latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket, prefix, '.gz') if not latest_file_key: # Could be saved with .zip extension latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket, prefix, '.zip') if latest_file_key: stmt_jsons = load_gzip_json_from_s3(bucket, latest_file_key) else: # Try loading json file latest_file_key = find_latest_s3_file(bucket, prefix, '.json') if latest_file_key: stmt_jsons = load_json_from_s3(bucket, latest_file_key) # Didn't get gzip, zip or json else:'No assembled statements found for {model}.') return None, None stmts = stmts_from_json(stmt_jsons) return stmts, latest_file_key
[docs]def get_models(include_config=False, include_dev=False, config_load_func=load_config_from_s3, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): """Get a list of all models in the EMMAA bucket. Parameters ---------- include_config : bool Whether to include the config file for each model. include_dev : bool Whether to include the models in dev mode. config_load_func : function A function to load the config file (e.g. from s3 or from cache). bucket : str Name of S3 bucket to look for a file. Defaults to 'emmaa'. Returns ------- model_data : list[str] or list(tuple(str, dict)) A list of model names. If `include_config` is True, the list is a list of tuples of model names and configs. """ s3 = get_s3_client() resp = s3.list_objects(Bucket=bucket, Prefix='models/', Delimiter='/') model_data = [] for pref in resp['CommonPrefixes']: model = pref['Prefix'].split('/')[1] config_json = config_load_func(model, bucket=bucket) if model == 'test' or not config_json: continue if not include_dev and config_json.get('dev_only', False): continue if include_config: model_data.append((model, config_json)) else: model_data.append(model) return model_data
@register_pipeline def load_custom_grounding_map(model, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): key = f'models/{model}/grounding_map.json' gr_map = load_json_from_s3(bucket, key) return gr_map @register_pipeline def get_search_term_names(model, bucket=EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME): config = load_config_from_s3(model, bucket=bucket) return [st['name'] for st in config['search_terms']] @register_pipeline def load_belief_scorer(bucket, key):'Loading the belief model from {key}') scorer = load_pickle_from_s3(bucket, key) return scorer
[docs]def load_extra_evidence(stmts, method='db_query', ev_limit=1000, batch_size=3000): """Load additional evidence for statements from database. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of statements to load evidence for. method : str What method to use to load evidence (accepted values: db_query and rest_api). Default: db_query. ev_limit : Optional[int] How many evidences to load from the database for each statement. Default: 1000. batch_size : Optional[int] Batch size used for querying. Default: 3000. Returns ------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of statements with additional evidence. """ stmt_hashes = [stmt.get_hash() for stmt in stmts] # get stmts from database'Loading additional evidences for {len(stmts)} stmts from db' f' using {method} method') new_stmts = [] offset = 0 while True: if batch_size: hashes_batch = stmt_hashes[offset:(offset + batch_size)] else: hashes_batch = stmt_hashes if method == 'rest_api': proc = get_statements_by_hash(hashes_batch, ev_limit=ev_limit) batch_stmts = proc.statements elif method == 'db_query': q = HasHash(hashes_batch) res = q.get_statements(ev_limit=ev_limit) batch_stmts = res.statements() new_stmts += batch_stmts offset += batch_size if offset >= len(stmt_hashes): break'Found {len(new_stmts)} stmts in the database') evid_by_hash = {stmt.get_hash(): stmt.evidence for stmt in new_stmts} # add db evidence to emmaa stmts evidence # this can create duplicates but they are handled by preassembly for stmt in stmts: stmt.evidence += evid_by_hash.get(stmt.get_hash(), []) return stmts
@register_pipeline def run_preassembly_with_extra_evidence(stmts_in, return_toplevel=True, belief_scorer=None, query_method='db_query', ev_limit=1000, batch_size=3000, **kwargs): """Run preassembly on a list of statements. Parameters ---------- stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of statements to preassemble. return_toplevel : Optional[bool] If True, only the top-level statements are returned. If False, all statements are returned irrespective of level of specificity. Default: True belief_scorer : Optional[indra.belief.BeliefScorer] Instance of BeliefScorer class to use in calculating Statement probabilities. If None is provided (default), then the default scorer is used. query_method : str What method to use to load evidence (accepted values: db_query and rest_api). Default: db_query. ev_limit : Optional[int] How many evidences to load from the database for each statement. Default: 1000. batch_size : Optional[int] Batch size used for querying. Default: 3000. kwargs : dict Other keyword arguments to pass to run_preassembly. Returns ------- stmts_out : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of preassembled top-level statements. """ temp_stmts = deepcopy(stmts_in) temp_stmts = load_extra_evidence( temp_stmts, query_method, ev_limit=ev_limit, batch_size=batch_size) preassembled_stmts = run_preassembly( temp_stmts, return_toplevel=return_toplevel, belief_scorer=belief_scorer, **kwargs) belief_by_hash = {stmt.get_hash(): stmt.belief for stmt in preassembled_stmts}'Assigning new beliefs to original statements') stmts_out = [] for stmt in stmts_in: stmt_hash = stmt.get_hash() if stmt_hash in belief_by_hash: stmt.belief = belief_by_hash[stmt_hash] stmts_out.append(stmt) return stmts_out @register_pipeline def add_missing_activities(stmts): """Identify missing activities with Mechlinker and add to statements."""'Adding missing activities') ml = MechLinker(stmts) ml.gather_explicit_activities() suggestions = [] for stmt in stmts: if isinstance(stmt, (Modification, RegulateActivity, RegulateAmount)): # The subj here is in an "active" position subj, obj = stmt.agent_list() if subj is None: continue subj_base = ml._get_base(subj) # If it has any activities but isn't in an active state # here if subj_base.activity_types and not subj.activity: for act in subj_base.activity_types: subj.activity = ActivityCondition(act, True) return stmts
[docs]def pysb_to_gromet(pysb_model, model_name, statements=None, fname=None): """Convert PySB model to GroMEt object and save it to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- pysb_model : pysb.Model PySB model object. model_name : str A name of EMMAA model. statements : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]] A list of INDRA Statements a PySB model was assembled from. If provided the statement hashes will be propagated into GroMEt metadata. fname : Optional[str] If given, the GroMEt will be dumped into JSON file. Returns ------- g : automates.script.gromet.gromet.Gromet A GroMEt object built from PySB model. """ raise NotImplementedError("GroMEt has been updated and cannot currently be used") from gromet import Gromet, gromet_to_json, \ Junction, Wire, UidJunction, UidType, UidWire, Relation, \ UidBox, UidGromet, Literal, Val from gromet_metadata import IndraAgent, IndraAgentReferenceSet, \ ReactionReference, UidMetadatum, MetadatumMethod, Provenance, \ get_current_datetime, ModelInterface from pysb import Parameter, WILD from pysb.bng import generate_equations'Generating equations ...') generate_equations(pysb_model)'Creating GroMEt') junctions = [] wires = [] # Get all species values species_values = {} for initial in pysb_model.initials: ix = pysb_model.get_species_index(initial.pattern) if initial.value: species_values[ix] = Literal( uid=None, type=UidType("Integer"), value=Val(initial.value.value), name=None, metadata=None) # Get groundings for monomers groundings_by_monomer = {} # Build up db_refs for each monomer object for ann in pysb_model.annotations: if ann.predicate == 'is': m = ann.subject db_name, db_id = parse_identifiers_url(ann.object) if m in groundings_by_monomer: groundings_by_monomer[m][db_name] = db_id else: groundings_by_monomer[m] = {db_name: db_id} # Store species names to refer later species_nodes = [str(sp) for sp in pysb_model.species] # Add all species junctions for ix, sp in enumerate(pysb_model.species): if ix not in species_values: species_values[ix] = Literal( uid=None, type=UidType("Integer"), value=Val(0), name=None, metadata=None) # Map to a list of agents agents = [] for mp in sp.monomer_patterns: mods = [] if hasattr(mp.monomer, 'site_annotations'): for site, state in mp.site_conditions.items(): if isinstance(state, tuple) and state[1] == WILD: state = state[0] mod, mod_type, res, pos = None, None, None, None for ann in mp.monomer.site_annotations: if ann.subject == (site, state): mod_type = ann.object elif ann.subject == site and \ ann.predicate == 'is_residue': res = ann.object if ann.subject == site and \ ann.predicate == 'is_position': pos = ann.object if mod_type: not_mod, mod = states[mod_type] if state == mod: is_mod = True elif state == not_mod: is_mod = False else: logger.warning('Unknown state %s for %s, ' 'setting as not modified' % ( state, mod_type)) is_mod = False mod = ModCondition(mod_type, res, pos, is_mod) if mod: mods.append(mod) if not mods: mods = None ag = Agent(, mods=mods, db_refs=groundings_by_monomer.get(mp.monomer)) agents.append(ag) agent_metadata = IndraAgentReferenceSet( uid=UidMetadatum(f'{species_nodes[ix]}_metadata'), provenance=Provenance(method=MetadatumMethod('from_emmaa_model'), timestamp=get_current_datetime()), indra_agent_references=[IndraAgent(ag.to_json()) for ag in agents]) junctions.append(Junction(uid=UidJunction(f'J:{species_nodes[ix]}'), type=UidType('State'), name=species_nodes[ix], value=species_values.get(ix), value_type=UidType('Integer'), metadata=[agent_metadata])) # Add wires for each reaction rate_counts = defaultdict(int) for rxn in pysb_model.reactions: rate_params = [rate_term for rate_term in rxn['rate'].args if isinstance(rate_term, Parameter)] assert len(rate_params) == 1 rate = rate_params[0].name rate_counts[rate] += 1 rate_node = f'{rate}:{rate_counts[rate]}' # Get metadata for rate node assert len(rxn['rule']) == 1 assert len(rxn['reverse']) == 1 rule = rxn['rule'][0] reverse = rxn['reverse'][0] if statements: stmt = stmt_from_rule(rule, pysb_model, statements) # Add rate junction for a reaction (uid and name are the same for now) reaction_metadata = ReactionReference( uid=UidMetadatum(f'{rate_node}_metadata'), provenance=Provenance(method=MetadatumMethod('from_emmaa_model'), timestamp=get_current_datetime()), indra_stmt_hash=stmt.get_hash(), reaction_rule=rule, is_reverse=reverse) wire_count = defaultdict(int) junctions.append(Junction(uid=UidJunction(f'J:{rate_node}'), type=UidType('Rate'), name=rate, value=Literal(uid=None, type=UidType("Float"), value=Val(rate_params[0].value), name=None, metadata=None), value_type=UidType('Float'), metadata=[reaction_metadata])) # Add wires from reactant to rate for reactant_ix in rxn['reactants']: reactant = species_nodes[reactant_ix] wire = f'{reactant}_{rate_node}' wire_count[wire] += 1 wires.append(Wire(uid=UidWire(f'W:{wire}:w{wire_count[wire]}'), type=None, value_type=None, name=None, value=None, metadata=None, src=UidJunction(f'J:{reactant}'), tgt=UidJunction(f'J:{rate_node}'))) # Add wires from rate to product for prod_ix in rxn['products']: prod = species_nodes[prod_ix] wire = f'{rate_node}_{prod}' wire_count[wire] += 1 wires.append(Wire(uid=UidWire(f'W:{wire}:w{wire_count[wire]}'), type=None, value_type=None, name=None, value=None, metadata=None, src=UidJunction(f'J:{rate_node}'), tgt=UidJunction(f'J:{prod}'))) # Create relation pnc = Relation(uid=UidBox(model_name), type=UidType("PetriNetClassic"), name=model_name, ports=None, # contents junctions=[j.uid for j in junctions], wires=[w.uid for w in wires], boxes=None, metadata=None) boxes = [pnc] # Create model interface metadata model_interface = \ ModelInterface( uid=UidMetadatum(f'{model_name}_model_interface'), provenance=Provenance(method=MetadatumMethod('from_emmaa_model'), timestamp=get_current_datetime()), variables=[j.uid for j in junctions], parameters=[j.uid for j in junctions if j.type == 'Rate'], initial_conditions=[j.uid for j in junctions if j.type == 'State']) # Create Gromet object g = Gromet( uid=UidGromet(f'{model_name}_pnc'), name=model_name, type=UidType("PetriNetClassic"), root=pnc.uid, types=None, literals=None, junctions=junctions, ports=None, wires=wires, boxes=boxes, variables=None, metadata=[model_interface] )'Created GroMEt') # Optionally save Gromet to JSON file if fname: gromet_to_json(g, fname) return g