Source code for emmaa.priors.reactome_prior

import re
import logging
import requests
from functools import lru_cache

from indra.sources import tas
from indra.databases.uniprot_client import get_gene_name
from indra.databases.hgnc_client import get_hgnc_id, get_uniprot_id

from emmaa.priors import get_drugs_for_gene, SearchTerm

logger = logging.getLogger('reactome_prior')

[docs]def make_prior_from_genes(gene_list): """Return reactome prior based on a list of genes Parameters ---------- gene_list : list of str List of HGNC symbols for genes Returns ------- res : list of :py:class:`emmaa.priors.SearchTerm` List of search terms corresponding to all genes found in any reactome pathway containing one of the genes in the input gene list """ all_reactome_ids = set([]) for gene_name in gene_list: hgnc_id = get_hgnc_id(gene_name) uniprot_id = get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id) if not uniprot_id: logger.warning('Could not get Uniprot ID for HGNC symbol' f' {gene_name}') continue reactome_ids = rx_id_from_up_id(uniprot_id) if not reactome_ids: logger.warning('Could not get Reactome ID for Uniprot ID' f' {uniprot_id} with corresonding HGNC symbol' f' {gene_name}') continue all_reactome_ids.update(reactome_ids) all_pathways = set([]) for reactome_id in all_reactome_ids: if not re.match('^R-HSA-[0-9]', reactome_id): # skip non-human genes continue additional_pathways = get_pathways_containing_gene(reactome_id) if additional_pathways is not None: all_pathways.update(additional_pathways) all_genes = set([]) for pathway in all_pathways: additional_genes = get_genes_contained_in_pathway(pathway) if additional_genes is not None: all_genes.update(additional_genes) gene_terms = [] for uniprot_id in all_genes: hgnc_name = get_gene_name(uniprot_id) if hgnc_name is None: logger.warning('Could not get HGNC name for UniProt ID' f' {uniprot_id}') continue hgnc_id = get_hgnc_id(hgnc_name) if not hgnc_id: logger.warning('Could not find HGNC ID for HGNC symbol' f' {hgnc_name} with corresonding Uniprot ID' f' {uniprot_id}') continue term = SearchTerm(type='gene', name=hgnc_name, search_term=f'"{hgnc_name}"', db_refs={'HGNC': hgnc_id, 'UP': uniprot_id}) gene_terms.append(term) return sorted(gene_terms, key=lambda x:
[docs]def find_drugs_for_genes(search_terms, drug_gene_stmts=None): """Return list of drugs targeting at least one gene from a list of genes Parameters ---------- search_terms : list of :py:class:`emmaa.priors.SearchTerm` List of search terms for genes Returns ------- drug_terms : list of :py:class:`emmaa.priors.SearchTerm` List of search terms of drugs targeting at least one of the input genes """ if not drug_gene_stmts: drug_gene_stmts = tas.process_from_web().statements drug_terms = [] already_added = set() for search_term in search_terms: if search_term.type == 'gene': hgnc_id = search_term.db_refs['HGNC'] drugs = get_drugs_for_gene(drug_gene_stmts, hgnc_id) for drug in drugs: if not in already_added: drug_terms.append(drug) already_added.add( return sorted(drug_terms, key=lambda x:
[docs]@lru_cache(10000) def rx_id_from_up_id(up_id): """Return the Reactome Stable IDs for a given Uniprot ID.""" react_search_url = '' params = {'query': up_id, 'cluster': 'true', 'species': 'Homo sapiens'} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} res = requests.get(react_search_url, headers=headers, params=params) if not res.status_code == 200: logger.debug(f'Reactome request to {react_search_url} failed') return None json = res.json() results = json.get('results') if not results: logger.warning(f'No results for {up_id}') return None stable_ids = [] for result in results: entries = result.get('entries') for entry in entries: stable_id = entry.get('stId') if not stable_id: continue stable_ids.append(stable_id) return stable_ids
[docs]@lru_cache(100000) def up_id_from_rx_id(reactome_id): """Get the Uniprot ID (referenceEntity) for a given Reactome Stable ID.""" react_url = '' \ + reactome_id + '/referenceEntity' res = requests.get(react_url) if not res.status_code == 200: return None _, entry, entry_type = res.text.split('\t') if entry_type != 'ReferenceGeneProduct': return None id_entry = entry.split(' ')[0] db_ns, db_id = id_entry.split(':') if db_ns != 'UniProt': return None return db_id
[docs]@lru_cache(1000) def get_pathways_containing_gene(reactome_id): """"Get all ids for reactom pathways containing some form of an entity Parameters ---------- reactome_id : str Reactome id for a gene Returns ------- pathway_ids : list of str List of reactome ids for pathways containing the input gene """ react_url = ('' f'/entity/{reactome_id}/allForms') params = {'species': 'Homo sapiens'} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} res = requests.get(react_url, headers=headers, params=params) if not res.status_code == 200: logger.warning(f'Request failed for reactome_id {reactome_id}') return None results = res.json() if not results:'No results for {reactome_id}') return None pathway_ids = [pathway['stIdVersion'] for pathway in results] return pathway_ids
[docs]@lru_cache(1000) def get_genes_contained_in_pathway(reactome_id): """Get all genes contained in a given pathway Parameters ---------- reactome_id : str Reactome id for a pathway Returns ------- genes : list of str List of uniprot ids for all unique genes contained in input pathway """ react_url = ('' f'/participants/{reactome_id}') params = {'species': 'Homo species'} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} res = requests.get(react_url, headers=headers, params=params) results = res.json() if not res.status_code == 200: return None if not results:'No results for {reactome_id}') genes = [entity['identifier'] for result in results for entity in result['refEntities'] if entity.get('schemaClass') == 'ReferenceGeneProduct'] return list(set(genes))