Source code for emmaa.xdd.xdd_client

import os
import requests
import logging
from indra_db import get_db

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
api_key = os.environ.get('XDD_API_KEY')
doc_url = ''
query_url = ''

[docs]def get_document_objects(doi): """Get a list of figure/table object dictionaries for a given DOI."""'Got a request to get figures for DOI {doi}') # Get first batch of results and find the total number of results rj = send_document_search_request(doi, page=0) if not rj: return [] total = rj.get('total', 0)'Got a total of {total} objects') objects = rj['objects'] page = 0 while len(objects) < total: page += 1 rj = send_document_search_request(doi, page=page) if not rj: logger.warning(f'Did not get results for {doi} page {page}') break objects += rj['objects'] return objects
[docs]def get_document_figures(paper_id, paper_id_type): """Get figures and tables from a given paper. Parameters ---------- paper_id : str or int ID of a paper. paper_id_type : str A name of a paper ID type (PMID, PMCID, DOI, TRID). Returns ------- figures : list[tuple] A list of tuples where each tuple is a figure title and bytes content. """ paper_id_type = paper_id_type.upper() if paper_id_type == 'DOI': doi = paper_id else: db = get_db('primary') if paper_id_type == 'TRID': tr = db.select_one(db.TextRef, == paper_id) elif paper_id_type == 'PMID': tr = db.select_one(db.TextRef, db.TextRef.pmid == paper_id) elif paper_id_type == 'PMCID': tr = db.select_one(db.TextRef, db.TextRef.pmcid == paper_id) ref_dict = tr.get_ref_dict() doi = ref_dict.get('DOI') if not doi: logger.warning(f'Could not get DOI from {paper_id_type} {paper_id}, ' 'returning 0 figures and tables') return [] objects = get_document_objects(doi) if not objects: return [] figures = get_figures_from_objects(objects)'Returning {len(figures)} figures and tables.') return figures
[docs]def get_figures_from_query(query, limit=None): """Get figures and tables from a query. Parameters ---------- query : str An entity name or comma-separated entity names to query for. limit : int or None A number of figures and tables to return. Returns ------- figures : list[tuple] A list of tuples where each tuple is a link to the paper, a figure title and bytes content. """'Got a request for query {query} with limit {limit}') # Get first batch of results and find the total number of results rj = send_query_search_request(query, page=0) if not rj: return [] total = rj.get('total', 0)'Got a total of {total} objects') objects = rj['objects'] page = 0 # If there's a limit of number of figures so we can stop when we reach it # or when we run out of objects if limit: figures = get_figures_from_objects(objects, True) while len(figures) < limit and len(objects) < total: page += 1 rj = send_query_search_request(query, page) if not rj: logger.warning(f'Did not get results for {query}, page {page}') break new_figures = get_figures_from_objects(rj['objects'], True) figures += new_figures objects += rj['objects'] figures = figures[: limit]'Returning {len(figures)} figures and tables.') return figures # There's no limit so we want to get all objects before getting figures while len(objects) < total: page += 1 rj = send_query_search_request(query, page) if not rj: logger.warning(f'Did not get results for {query} page {page}') break objects += rj['objects'] figures = get_figures_from_objects(objects, True)'Returning {len(figures)} figures and tables.') return figures
[docs]def send_request(url, params): """Send a request and handle potential errors.""" try: res = requests.get(url, params=params) # Catch connection error except Exception as e: return try: rj = res.json() if 'objects' not in rj: params.pop('api_key') logger.warning(f'Could not get objects for {params}') if 'error' in rj: logger.warning(rj['error']) return # Catch bad response except Exception as e: return return rj
[docs]def send_query_search_request(query, page): """Send a request to get one page of results for a query."""'Sending a request for query {query}, page {page}') return send_request( query_url, {'query': query, 'inclusive': True, 'page': page, 'api_key': api_key})
[docs]def send_document_search_request(doi, page): """Send a request to get one page of results for a DOI."""'Sending a request for DOI {doi}, page {page}') return send_request(doc_url, {'doi': doi, 'api_key': api_key, 'page': page})
[docs]def get_figures_from_objects(objects, paper_links=False): """Get a list of paper links, figure titles and their content bytes from a list of object dictionaries (returned from query or document api).""" figures = [] for obj in objects: for child in obj['children']: if child['cls'] in ['Figure', 'Table']: txt = child['header_content'] b = child['bytes'] if paper_links: urls = set() for link in obj['bibjson']['link']: urls.add(link['url']) figures.append((urls, txt, b)) else: figures.append((txt, b)) return figures